Fractured Atlas Staff Review Requirement
Many businesses (large and small) offer in-kind donations, corporate sponsorship, and corporate grants. We handle applications for funding from corporations with the same approach as proposals for grants from foundations. We ask that completed materials and/or login information to online applications to be submitted through our grant dashboard at least 10 business days from the due date or intended submission. See Grant Application Review Procedure for instructions.
When approaching any corporate funder, you must have the inquiry/proposal/application/package approved by a Fractured Atlas staff member before sending it out. As part of the preliminary research to prepare for an application, it is up to each fiscally sponsored project to determine what the corporation requires and what type of support they offer. The standard text for foundations, corporations, and government agencies must be included in all inquiries for corporate funding.
Standard Text:
[PROJECT NAME] is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Fractured Atlas will receive grants for the charitable purposes of [PROJECT NAME], provide oversight to ensure that grant funds are used in accordance with grant agreements, and provide reports as required by the grantor. Contributions for the charitable purposes of [PROJECT NAME] must be made payable to Fractured Atlas and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
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