All campaigns must be reviewed by Fractured Atlas Staff.
Once your campaign has been approved, you can set launch and end dates. To set these dates, please follow these steps.
- Log on to
- Click campaigns, and then select the tile for the approved campaign you'd like to launch.
- Click "Schedule" on the side navigation menu. This will take you to a tab where you can launch the campaign immediately or launch in the future, as well as set an end date for your campaign. Please note that your campaign cannot last longer than ninety (90) days.
- You'll notice that there is a time zone selector. It will auto-populate with the time zone you are currently in, but you can change that by using the dropdown menu.
- If you choose to "Launch Immediately," you will not have the option to set a launch date below, but you will be able to select an end date.
- If you choose to "Schedule a Date and Time," you will have the option to select a future launch and end date.
- Once you've finalized your campaign schedule, your campaign status will update to "Scheduled" and you'll see your launch date on your campaign tile. Please note that the times appearing on your campaign tile will automatically update to reflect the Eastern time zone.
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