As a general principle, donations are presumed by law to be irrevocable gifts unless otherwise specified in a grant agreement or other contract. This is an important legal concept that, among other things, permits gifts to be tax-deductible.
If a donor makes a donation to Fractured Atlas for the purposes of supporting one of our fiscally sponsored projects, per our Terms of Use, the donor understands that their gift is being made to Fractured Atlas, Inc., that the donation is made intentionally and completely, and that the donation is non-refundable. In accordance with Internal Revenue Service rules, Fractured Atlas must retain variance power over the donation. This means that the donation will be held in a restricted fund for the recommended fiscally-sponsored project. If Fractured Atlas determines that the project is unable to carry out their intended purpose, the funds will be reallocated to another project with a similar purpose or for administrative expenses incurred to provide fiscal sponsorship.
That said, when a donation was clearly made by mistake (for example, if a donor accidentally made duplicate online gifts or typed in the wrong amount when donating online), we will happily refund the erroneous charge.
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