Like all online solicitation materials, a Fractured Atlas staff person will need to approve your crowdfunding campaign before it goes live. To submit your campaign for review, you can follow these steps:
- Log-in to
Click campaigns, and then select the tile for the campaign you'd like to have reviewed.
- Select "Status" from your side navigation menu.
If your campaign is ready to be reviewed, your checklist will be complete and you can simply click "Submit for Review." If the checklist is not complete, you will not be able to click the "Submit for Review" button.
- Once you click, "Submit for Review," you'll be asked to confirm that you're ready for it to be reviewed. If you click, "yes," your campaign status will change to "Submitted." At that time, Fractured Atlas staff will also receive an email letting us know you'd like for us to review your campaign. If we have any feedback or edits, we'll be in touch!
- After our staff has reviewed and approved your campaign, you'll get an email letting you know that your campaign is approved and that you can set dates for your campaign to launch and end.
Here are two things to keep in mind when determining whether or not your campaign is ready to be reviewed:
- You won't be able to make edits to your campaign after it is approved, so make sure it is in its final state before submitting for review. If you do need to make changes after approval, please contact our staff.
- You will not be able to have more than one campaign live at a time. Be sure to time your campaigns accordingly.
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