We will provide our EIN for appropriate requests and uses, but it cannot be used in cases where it may appear that you are representing to another party that you are acting on behalf of Fractured Atlas and we have not given you such authority.
If a service you'd like to use requires our EIN, please contact us via email at support@fracturedatlas.org with the reason you need it. We will determine if we can allow the use of our EIN for this specific situation and issue it in the manner appropriate to the situation. If it’s for a website or grant, please complete the Grant Application form accessible from the Fiscal Sponsorship Dashboard.
You need permission to use our EIN on a case-by-case basis, even if you've been previously approved.
This also means that you can't use our EIN to apply to certain funding sources that only accept applications from exempt organizations and do not allow applications from fiscal sponsors (like the National Endowment for the Arts).
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