For donations made by check, you must report these contributions before forwarding on to us for processing.
- Log-in to our website and go to your My Fiscal Sponsorship page.
- Under the Donations link, click "Report Check Donation."
- Here is the full donation report form:
- Here is the full donation report form:
- Make sure you're on the "Report Donations" tab at the top of your screen.
- Search for an existing donor in the donor search bar or fill out the form to create a record for a new donor. A mailing address is required for the purposes of the tax receipt that we issue.
- If you've created Giving Levels on your General Support page, you will be able to select the applicable Giving Level from a drop-down menu in the 'Donation' section of the form. If you haven't set up Giving Levels, no drop-down menu will appear.
- If you've created a crowdfunding campaign, you will be able to select the applicable campaign title from a drop-down menu in the 'Donation' section of the form. If you haven't set up a crowdfunding campaign, no drop-down menu will appear. A Reward dropdown will also appear if you've selected a campaign with Rewards setup.
- Be sure to include a "Non-deductible portion" for contributions where you award the donor goods/services in exchange for their donation. The non-deductible portion is the fair market value of the rewards that you are offering to your donors.
- If the donation is for $5,000 or more, you will be able to upload a signed Major Gift Letter to the donation report form. If your donor has yet to complete the Major Gift Letter, you are not required to upload a document in order to submit the report, but the donation will not be available for you to request until we receive the signed letter. The form letter is available for download from your Fiscal Sponsorship Dashboard page under Donations.
- The 'Comments' field is for you to add a memo to the donation report for your own future reference.
- Click 'Submit.' You will need to submit a separate donation report for each check that you've received.
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